Google Play Store Integration
Integration through Google Play Store enables you to view comments on your app and reply to both positive and negative reviews. It helps you improve the ratings of your app and get more downloads.
How do I integrate?
- 1
Login to Desk360 and click "Product & Channels".
- 2
Add your product by going to the "Product & Channels" page and clicking "Create Product".
- 3
Type the name of your app in "Search" bar of the Google Play Store tab and click "Add".
- 4
To integrate, download the API access file from Google Play Console in JSON format and upload it here.
- Your replies will be posted after reviewed by Google Play Store.
- This may take about 30 minutes.
- For API Access, just allow permission for Reply to Reviews.
- You can reply to reviews when the data in your JSON file is verified by Google Play.
- Instructions on how to download the API Access file are given in the following video.